
作者 小珑
发布 2022-08-19 18:21:14
浏览 2469


明天上午8:30分(8月20日),提案人艾尔.格林在德克萨斯州休斯顿的电力中心(Power Center of Houston)亲自主持首届奴隶制纪念日纪念早餐会和立法说明会。同时,他向第九选区的民众发出邀请。



我诚挚地邀请您、您的家人和您的朋友参加我将于 2022年8月20日星期六上午 8 点 30 分在德克萨斯州休斯顿的电力中心(Power Center of Houston)举办的首届奴隶制纪念日纪念早餐会和立法更新。这个历史性的事件不需要入场费。

我们在这一历史性时刻的获奖者将是 William A. Lawson 博士和 F.N. 威廉姆斯博士、市长西尔维斯特·特纳和哈里斯郡区长(专员)罗德尼·埃利斯将成为特邀嘉宾。特邀嘉宾还将包括:James Dixon, II 二世博士,S.J. Gilbert, II二世博士, Dr. Max Miller, Jr.博士, Bishop Destry Bell主教, Bishop Kenneth Murray主教, 牧师Alton Mitchell, 牧师Walter August, 牧师John Ogletree, 牧师EA Deckard, 牧师Carl Colston, 牧师Gerald Shanks, 主教Donald Thompson, 牧师Jabez亚伯拉罕、苏泽特·考德威尔牧师、雷金纳德·德沃恩牧师、特伦斯·约翰逊牧师、拜伦·史蒂文斯牧师、罗德里克·道森牧师、哈维·克莱蒙斯牧师、比利·威廉姆斯牧师、特雷维·华盛顿牧师、莱姆斯和米亚·赖特牧师、乔·拉特利夫牧师和拉尔夫·韦斯特牧师。

我提案的奴隶制纪念日决议于 2022 年7月27日美国众议院通过了。该决议支持将8月20日指定为奴隶制纪念日。目前,有大屠杀、珍珠港和 9/11 的国庆纪念日。每一天都在纪念因这些暴行而丧生的生命。奴隶制纪念日也将通过纪念数百万被绑架、运往美洲并作为财产出售的被奴役的非洲人来做同样的事情。


敬请于8月20日星期六上午 8:30 在位于德克萨斯州休斯顿市邮政橡树路 12401 号 S. Post Oak Road 77045 的权力中心加入我们,以纪念奴隶制纪念日。由于座位有限,请尽早到达。如有任何问题或其他信息,请致电 (713) 383-9234 联系我的休斯顿办公室,致电 (202) 225-7508 联系华盛顿特区办公室,或访问我的网站 https://algreen.house.gov/slavery-remembrance-day .



 Hosted by Congressman Al Green

Dear Friends,

I cordially invite you, your family, and your friends to the inaugural Slavery Remembrance Day Commemorative Breakfast and Legislative Update I am hosting on Saturday, August 20th at 8:30 am CT at the Power Center in Houston, Texas. There is no admission cost to this historic event.

Our honorees for this historic occasion will be Dr. William A. Lawson and Dr. F.N. Williams, Sr. Mayor Sylvester Turner and Commissioner Rodney Ellis will be featured guests. Special guests will include: Dr. James Dixon, II, Dr. S.J. Gilbert, II, Dr. Max Miller, Jr., Bishop Destry Bell, Bishop Kenneth Murray, Pastor Alton Mitchell, Pastor Walter August, Pastor John Ogletree, Pastor EA Deckard, Pastor Carl Colston, Pastor Gerald Shanks, Bishop Donald Thompson, Pastor Jabez Abraham, Pastor Suzette Caldwell, Pastor Reginald DeVaughn, Pastor Terrance Johnson, Pastor Byron Stevens, Pastor Roderick Dawson, Pastor Harvey Clemmons, Pastor Billy Williams, Pastor Trevy Washington, Pastors Remus and Mia Wright, Pastor Joe Ratliff, and Pastor Ralph West.

My Slavery Remembrance Day Resolution passed the U.S. House of Representatives on July 27, 2022. This resolution supports the designation of August 20 as Slavery Remembrance Day. Currently, there are National Days of Remembrance for the Holocaust, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11. Each day honors the memory of the lives lost to these atrocities. Slavery Remembrance Day would do the same by honoring the millions of enslaved Africans who were kidnapped, shipped to the Americas, and sold as property.

On August 20 annually, people are encouraged to pause at noon wherever they may be for a moment of silent solemnity for the victims of this evil crime against humanity. As they pause, they should place their right hand over their heart and lower their head in silence for a moment – after which they should conclude with, “We must always remember.”

Please join us Saturday, August 20th at 8:30 am CT at the Power Center located at 12401 S. Post Oak Road, Houston, Texas, 77045 to commemorate Slavery Remembrance Day. Do arrive early as seating is limited. For any questions or additional information, please contact my Houston Office at (713) 383-9234, DC Office at (202) 225-7508, or visit my website at https://algreen.house.gov/slavery-remembrance-day.


Al Green, Congressman


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