休斯顿中国人活动中心成立 24 周年 纽约人寿华裔高中生奖学金

作者 小珑
发布 2019-04-23 12:26:00
浏览 993

休斯顿中国人活动中心成立 24 周年 纽约人寿华裔高中生奖学金 


教育家陶行知先生说 过:“一切的学问,都要努力向着人民的幸福瞄准、道德是做人的根本,根本一坏,纵然 你有一些学问和本领,也无甚用处”。为鼓励休斯敦华裔“勤奋好学、积极向上、热心社 区、关爱他人”的热情,中国人活动中心于 2014 年成立了华裔高中生基金会。在中国人 活动中心成立 24 周年之际,基金会与纽约人寿合作于 2019 年特设了“中国人活动中心华 裔高中生奖学金”,该奖学金用来奖励家境并不富裕,但学习成绩优异,社会活动积极的 华裔高中生,鼓励他们努力克服财务困难、树立正确的生活态度、努力成长为一名对社会 有益的人;帮助他们为日后的求学、求职、和生活打下良好的基础。 

本奖学金面向休斯敦地区在校高年级华裔高中学生(在校十二或十一年级高中生)。 申请人除填写申请表以外,须提供申请表中所要求的证明如学习成绩单、推荐信和社区义 工证明等。这次活动将评选出 10 个名额,获奖学生将获得中国人活动中心颁发的奖励证 书和$1000 奖金。 基金会将于 4 月 15 日开始接受申请,截止日期为 5 月 10 日(星期五),获奖名单 将于今年 5 月 18 日(星期六)的中国人活动中心成立 24 周年庆典晚宴上宣布并举行颁奖 典礼。 侯选人由自荐和他人推荐产生。获奖人将由评审委员会根据候选人所提供的材料 评审决定,评审方法将包括电话面试等等。 申请人资格: 1. 申请者应该是大休士顿地区高中生,具有华人血统,合法的美国居民; 2. 积极参加社区服务 ; 3. 最低 GPA 为 3.50 或同等水平; 4. 家境不富裕。 申请程序: 1. 完成《奖学金申请表格》; 2. 提供一份 PSAT/SAT/ACT/SCAT 的成绩单; 3. 提供一份文件表明申请人在学校班级的排名 ; 4. 提供证明社区服务的文件 ; 5. 提交两篇推荐信,一份由学校的教师或辅导员写,一份是服务过的社区组织提供; 6. 提供一份成绩单; 7. 提供一份家庭财务需要的证明文件,可以接受纳税报表(为了您的安全隐私考虑, 请将文件中出现的社会安全号信息隐去)。 

提交方式(以下两种方式必须同时满足): 1. 请把所有申请材料做成一个 PDF 文件,在申请截至日期前发给中心邮箱: CCC.Houston95@gmail.com 2. 同时请把申请文件请寄以下的地址: CCC Scholarship Committee 5905 Sovereign Dr. Houston, TX 77036 Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline will not be considered!

  • Invitation for 2019 Chinese Civic Center High School 

    Education Scholarship 

    Funded by the New York Life Foundation 


    Excellence is a habit, and the most important time in developing it is in the age of high school. The educationalist Mr. Tao Xingzhi said: "All learning must be aimed at the happiness of the people. Morality is the foundation of being a human being. If this foundation collapses, you will be of no use no matter how much knowledge and skills you have." In order to encourage the students of Chinese descent to be “hardworking, self-motivated, enthusiastic, and caring for others”, the Chinese Civic Center (CCC) established the CCC High-School Education Scholarship Foundation in 2014. On the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Civic Center, the CCC  Foundation  and  New  York  Life  Foundation  jointly  established  the  “CCC  High  School Education  Scholarship”  in  2019.  This  scholarship  will  grant  the  students  of  Chinese  descent whose family are not affluent, but with excellent academic performance and outstanding social activities contributing to communities. The mission is to encourage them to work hard to overcome financial difficulties, establish a positive attitude towards life, and strive to grow into a socially beneficial person; and help them lay a good foundation for future career development and life. This scholarship is for high school senior and junior students (in grades 12 and 11) in the Greater Houston area. As required in the application form, applicants must submit the application form, and provide proofs such as academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and certificates of community  service.  Upon  reviewing  the  applications,  10  students  will  be  selected,  and  each recipient will receive a certificate of award and a $1000 prize. Candidates  shall  be  self-introduced,  or  recommended  by  other  people.  The  scholarship application will be open on April 15th, with deadline on May 10th (Friday). In the weekend of the deadline week, the CCC scholarship screening committee will review all the files and select the recipients in accordance with eligibility rules and awarding criteria. The screening process may include a phone interview if necessary. The winners will be announced at the award ceremony in the CCC 24th Anniversary Gala on May 18th(Saturday).  


    The applicant must meet all the following basic requirement when considering their applications: 

    1.  High school students in the Greater Houston area, with Chinese descent and legal US 


    2.  Active participation in community service; 

    3.  Minimum GPA 3.50 or equivalent; 

    4.  Family is not affluent. 

    Awarding Criteria: 

    The CCC Scholarship Screening Committee will consider applicants according, but not limited, to 

    the merits in the following areas: 

    1.  Complete scholarship application form; 

    2.  Scholastic transcript; 

    3.  Scholastic achievement such as PSAT/SAT/ACT/SCAT; 

  • 4.  Ranking in the school class; 

    5.  Community volunteer work; 

    6.  Awards and honors such as academic, musical, athletic, art, etc.; 

    7.  Special talent and contributions to science and technology; 

    8.  Leadership; 

    9.  Two recommendation letters (One letter from the school teachers is preferred) 

    10. A proof of family financial needs, such as college financial support application materials, 

    current tax returns (for privacy considerations, please hide the social security number 

    information that appears in the document), etc. 



    The applicant shall make a hard copy and PDF file for all the application materials, and must 

    submit their application with both of the following ways: 

    1. Please send the application PDF file before deadline at: CCC.Houston95@gmail.com 

    2. Please also send the application hard copy to the CCC office at the following address: 

    CCC Scholarship Committee 

    5905 Sovereign Dr. 

    Houston, TX 77036  


    Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline will not be considered! 



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