《四海同春 华星闪耀》2019休斯敦新春嘉年华

作者 小珑
发布 2019-01-10 22:47:43
浏览 864

主办:休斯敦华星艺术团 / 亚洲协会德州中心(The Asia Society Texas Center ) 

特别支持: 中华人民共和国驻休斯敦总领馆/国务院侨办


时间:2019年2月9日 周六12:00pm-4:00pm


        休斯敦华星艺术团 与亚洲协会德州中心将于农历春节大年初六举办的《四海同春 华星闪耀》2019 休斯敦新春嘉年华,是休斯敦华星艺术团与亚协第三次联合举办的国际性文化活动。

      当天的两场精品文艺演出,以高水准的节目和丰富多彩的形式内容成为观众翘首期盼重头戏。休斯敦华星艺术团为本届新春嘉年华特别编排了两场名为《印象中国》的精品文艺演出, 让观众在优雅多姿的舞蹈和民族乐器演奏的美妙乐声中领略中国各地风土人情和民族风貌。其中包括用三首金庸的电影主题曲改编的笛子合奏《笑傲江湖》, 配上武术新星王瑧真的剑舞,带来视觉听觉震撼的武侠风。最受欢迎的沙画表演新秀Grace Zhang, 将根据家喻户晓的梁祝故事与小提琴共同演绎凄美悱恻的原创沙画《化蝶》。 原创现代芭蕾《雪》将中国古典扇舞与西方芭蕾语汇完美融合, 传递飞雪迎春的美好祈福。孩子们的伞舞《国色》活泼乖巧,像五彩的花蕾竞相绽放。获奖作品傣族四人舞《青树》和蒙族独舞《盅碗舞》都将以鲜明的民族风格,优美的舞姿,令人叹服的技巧带给观众独特的美的享受。

演出时间:1 p.m. and 3 p.m

网上购票: $5(亚协会员)$10(非会员)

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       新春嘉年华还将通过学中国舞,玩手绢,剪窗花,写书法,做贺卡,品茗茶,尝美食, 有奖问答等趣味性的文化互动项目,体验中华传统文化的多彩丰姿。让中国故事、中国声音,中国文化走向世界。今年特别增设的多个食品摊位, 包括中国,韩国,日本,印度等亚洲各国农历新年的美食。游客可以在环境优雅的竹园品尝到: 双椒的凉粉凉面, 四川特色小吃; Café Allure的波霸奶茶和肉夹馍; 亚协咖啡厅提供的创新菜品-藏红花虾和烤肉卷,以及越南粉丝和法式卷饼定会令你驻足垂涎!

汉族舞蹈《国色》Han Dance – Stunning Beauty (Peony)

       届时,来自亚洲国家的多个社团也将带来各国的春节特色文化活动, 用多元性和包容性的文化元素,与来自世界不同的国家,不同的民族的社团代表、驻休斯敦使节,各族裔家庭共度农历新春佳节。


     《四海同春华星闪耀》- 2019 休斯敦新春嘉年华,场地舒适,活动安全,不受天气变化影响,是适合老人孩子参与的室内活动,是 在海外体验中华节庆文化,籍慰乡情的不可多得的绝佳机会。

     请带上您的家人, 朋友, 和我们一起过大年,2月9号,不见不散!

傣族舞《青树》 Dai Ethnic Dance – Tree沙画 . 小提琴《化蝶》 Violin and Sand Painting-Butterfly Lover笛子合奏《笑傲江湖》Bamboo Flute Ensemble - May The Force Be with You蒙族独舞《盅碗舞》Mongolia Bowl Dance现代芭蕾 《雪》 Contemporary Ballet - Snowing现代芭蕾 《雪》 Contemporary Ballet - Snowing

     2019 is the Year of the Pig, thought of as a gentle and friendly animal that represents generosity and diligence. Join us in welcoming the Year of the Pig with performances, art and craft activities, and food inspired by Lunar New Year traditions across Asia!

     Dance to the beat of traditional lion dancers as they perform throughout the building. A limited quantity of red envelopes will also be given to children. Admission to our New Cartographies exhibition will be FREE.

Lunar New Year activities will also take place off-site at The Galleria on February 10 and February 16–17, 12–5 p.m.

This event is FREE and open to the public. Food and drink will be available for sale.

Performances by Huaxing Arts Group Houston are ticketed.

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Chinese Calligraphy书法 12–4 p.m.
Explore traditional writing styles and receive your name or a simple phrase in Chinese characters.
Presented by Huaxing Arts Group Houston

Pig Mask Making 吉祥猪面具制作  12–4 p.m.
In celebration of the Year of the Pig, create a fun project to take home.
Presented by Huaxing Arts Group Houston

Photo Booth 新年全家福  12–4 p.m.
Make your own festive photo to remember the Year of the Pig.
Presented by Huaxing Arts Group Houston

Community Calligraphy Scroll 用母语书写新年寄语 12–4 p.m.
Have fun learning different writing styles from China, Vietnam, Japan, and other Asian countries for this collaborative scroll.
Presented by Huaxing Arts Group Houston

Chinese Handkerchief and Umbrella Dance 学习中国手绢舞,伞舞12-4 p.m.
Enjoy an interactive dance demonstration, then learn classical performances requiring skill, balance, and concentration. Prizes will be awarded to the best dancers!
Presented by Huaxing Arts Group Houston

Lion Dance 狮子舞1:30 p.m.
The lion dancers will perform on-stage in the Brown Foundation Performing Arts Theater at the conclusion of Huaxing Arts Group Houston's 1 p.m. performance before leading guests out of the theater and upstairs.
Presented by Shaolin Kung Fu Academy in Houston

Charm of Hangzhou: Exhibition of Hangzhou's Intangible Cultural Heritage魅力杭州文化展演 12–4 p.m.
Enjoy a rare opportunity to witness the rich artistry of traditional Chinese artists of the Hangzhou region. Artists will be onsite to demonstrate their techniques, which include: Hangzhou embroidery, fan painting, paper umbrella making, bamboo paper making, boxwood carving, and woodblock printing. 享受难得的机会,近距离见证来自杭州的中国传统艺术家的绝活技艺,包括杭州刺绣、扇画、纸伞制作、竹纸制作、黄木雕刻和木版印刷等

Japanese Greeting Cards日本贺卡12–4 p.m.
Create a Lunar New Year card with a message for friends and family using different templates and Japanese stamps, as well as origami and a variety of materials.

Mongolian Tsagaan Sar Camel Decorations蒙古骆驼 12–4 p.m.
Design a project to celebrate the new year in Mongolia and one of the country's best-known animals, the two-humped camel.

Chopstick Challenge有奖筷子比赛12–4 p.m.
Test your chopstick skills! Learn to use chopsticks and race against your family and friends to see who can move the most items using chopsticks.

Vietnamese Peach Blossom Trees越南幸运树 12–4 p.m.
Have fun creating a collage celebrating Vietnamese peach blossoms.

Fortune Teller Cookie Jar自制签语饼12–4 p.m.
Create your own fortune cookie with paper and participate in our community fortune cookie jar.

FreeTour of New Cartographies-新视觉-北海地图2 p.m.
Receive a free, docent-led tour of our current exhibition. Guests who are unable to join the tour can still enjoy complimentary admission from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m

Food for Purchase

Pondi at Asia Society Texas Center
Pondicheri's museum café offers a vibrant and innovative menu featuring everything from butter chicken to saffron shrimp and roti wraps.

Foreign Policy Food Truck
Foreign Policy offers gourmet fusion burgers, fries, and pitas inspired by Korean, Greek, Mexican, and American cuisine.

Mobile Mai's Food Truck
Mai's offers Vietnamese eats such as banh mi, vermicelli, and fusion fajita wraps.

Pepper Twins
Pepper Twins' authentic Sichuan dishes specialize in country-style organic Chinese cuisine. Their combination of natural flavors makes them unique based on traditions of Chinese culture.

Cafe Allure Northern China style organic Chinese cuisine and Boba milk tea

Mochi Ice Cream, a Japanese confection made from pounded sticky rice with an ice cream filling, will be available for purchase.

Ticketed Performance

Spring Festival: Splendor of Huaxing
TICKETS: $5 Members, $10 Nonmembers
Performance times at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. The same dances will be performed during each performance.

To celebrate the 2019 Lunar New Year, Huaxing Arts Group will join Asia Society Texas Center to present a collection of Chinese music and dance. From modern interpretations of traditional tunes to classic folk dances, the performance will highlight a variety of performers and dance styles.

Huaxing Arts Group Houston is a civic organization of Chinese-Americans in the Greater Houston Area. The association has served the greater community through volunteerism, service, and cultural exchange with a patriotic focus on strengthening the Chinese-American community and its relationship to fellow citizens.

Purchase Tickets

Education and outreach programs at Asia Society Texas Center are made possible through generous funding from the George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation and Neiman Marcus. Additional support provided by the Friends of Education & Outreach at Asia Society Texas Center.

Program Sponsor

2018 在亚洲协会德州中心成功举办春节庆典资料照片2018 在亚洲协会德州中心成功举办春节庆典资料照片2018 在亚洲协会德州中心成功举办春节庆典资料照片2018 在亚洲协会德州中心成功举办春节庆典资料照片

 2018 在亚洲协会德州中心成功举办春节庆典资料照片


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